Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday to the Kimchi Kid!

I can hardly believe it has been 2 years already! Time has gone by so quickly and our bouncing baby boy is now a bouncing little boy! ^^ He amazes us on a daily basis with his keen intellect, curious mind and charming personality. We are so proud of the little man our baby boy is becoming and we can't wait to see what the future holds for him!

Thomas, we love you so much! Happy 2nd birthday from Mommy and Daddy!


  1. Wow, I had to do a double take when I saw you had a blog post! Back on the blog. Nice!

    Happy birthday to Thomas! I wish I could make it tomorrow, but I just cannot brave the long subway trek to Bucheon. I'm very sorry :( I hope he has the best birthday party!!

  2. I know, I have become an awful blogger! >.<
    Since March and the new Kindergarten schedule I just don't have the downtime I used to have. It is hard because there is so much going on with Thomas that people would love to know about! I will try and be a better blogger. ^^
    Wish you could make it, I was trying to find a way to get you down but nothing worked out. We'll come visit again SOON! Hugs!
